I’m perplexed by this run-in with The Departed. We’ve seen him now three times since he left – although he has not seen us, each time. I have blocked him, his friends, and his children from seeing my Facebook page – actually, my former stepdaughter blocked me first, making it the first time she and I actually agreed on anything.
But I have another Facebook account, one that nobody knows about. The one that can see all the things certain people post for everyone in the world to see, except me.
I check his page. There seem to have been a lot of hikes in the fall, and then at the end of the year, suddenly silent except for some bizarre song lyrics about a caveman posted here and there. Attempts at deep thoughts, borrowed from others.
As with most people, there’s no bad news posted: That’s not what Facebook is for.
The only thing I’ve learned is that, at least for a while, he was getting out and doing things, something he steadfastly refused to do while we were married.
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