The next day, I send The Child a text, but receive no reply. I know she is headed out for Niagara Falls, and a few hours later, a picture appears on the host father’s Facebook page. The Child seems happy and wet on The Maid of the Mist. She was just tired the night before, and all is well now.
That evening, The Child calls me on Skype. The computer in the cabin is set up in the living room, so as she talks, people are walking around her; her friends pop in to coo when I hold up The Siamese for The Child to see, so she doesn’t feel so far away. She’s visibly happy and relieved to see me, as I am to see her. She tells me about the present she bought me, at a cow-themed store: A Doctor Moo t-shirt.
Cool! I tell her. What did you get?
Oh nothing, but I knew you would like the Doctor Moo shirt, she says.
She brought her babysitting money with her, along with some birthday money she saved, and all she can think to buy is something for me.
The few days, they go visiting around the family’s cabin, and swim in the lake there. The Child looks tired when I talk with her on Skype, and happy, or maybe relieved, to see me.
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