I slog my way through all the papers and spreadsheets and supporting documents, and my attorney’s office sends them off to the mediator, with a copy sent to the other side.
I know, of course, what’s coming: I will receive a copy of his proposal.
I don’t even have time to brace myself, because it appears in my inbox moments later.
I debate about procrastinating, maybe opening it tomorrow, and then I think, well, it doesn’t really matter when I open this. Maybe just knowing will be better.
The summary: Although he recognizes that we live in a no-fault divorce state, he wants it noted that everything is all my fault.
Although he is aware we live in a community property state (meaning property is divided 50/50), he should receive 65%.
The house should either be sold, or he is “willing to consider” taking it.
Part of his justification for this is as follows: during our marriage, he claims, we deposited (community) money into a college account for The Child, my child, something we did not do for his children.
Except this isn’t true – it is the very opposite of the truth. The Child’s college account was entirely paid for by her father, The Foreigner – grudgingly, and only after a judge made him pay it, but I have papers to prove it. I also have canceled checks to show the deposits I did (actually) make into his children’s college accounts.
None of it matters, except that none of it is true. I thought I was done digging out papers, but I start digging out more. Because it does matter that he’s lying.
Maybe it only matters to me, but I dig them out anyway.
I email to my father: I want to live in Alternate Reality Land.
He replies: You just visited.
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