Two days before I’m supposed to meet Mr. Unusual, and I have still not heard from him with a specific time and place. I had mentioned a general area in Seattle that I would be in, along with a general time that I would be there, as The Child was taking her middle school entrance exams.
I’m okay, to a point, with last-minute plans, but in this case, I’m a bit annoyed, because it’s rare that I have such a large chunk of free time, and on the Seattle side of the bridge – and if I don’t have plans with him, I’d just as soon have plans with someone else. Specifically, a long-time friend is in town, visiting her mom, another long-time friend.
And I’m waiting like a high-school girl for someone who pencils things in to decide whether or not I’m ink-worthy.
I don’t think so.
I send an email.
“Hi, I have you down on my calendar for Saturday but no specific time or place. Please confirm details, I am just now coordinating my day, thanks.”
That sounds like something a Vice President would say. I am, actually, a Vice President but don’t feel like one at just this moment. More like someone masquerading as one: It’s what I want to be when I grow up.
He replies within fifteen minutes.
“Yep, I meant to send you a note last night and ended up dealing with a laptop disaster.
I think you said you are dropping your daughter off at (school).”
” is across the street from the police station, sadly there isn’t an interesting story about why I know that’s where the police station is). The bagels are very good there, though bagel shops at 9AM on a Saturday can be zoo like.I look forward to meeting you. Sorry for not being more chit-chatty, work has been zany. I hate all of the accounting work involved with closing the books on a year. The good news it was a great year.”
and?… and?…. you’re going to leave us hanging here?
Not for long, I promise! Thanks for following along …