He asks a lot of questions about my marriage, and vice versa, when I can get a word in edgewise. I tell him about my marriage but not the specifics of why and how it ended. It’s ugly and it’s hard.
It’s not that I haven’t told people, I have.
People flinch when I tell them. They try not to show it, but they always do.
I cannot stand the flinch.
So he asks and I avoid it. I tell him, it’s a horrible story. I will tell you eventually.
He goes on and on.
What could be so bad? I’ve heard it all before, he says.
My lawyer had never heard this one before, I tell him. Someone who has been a practicing divorce attorney for 20 years was shocked.
He goes on and on. We’re IMing via skype, and there’s word vomit on my screen. Really, I’ve heard it all, he says. Drug addiction, affairs, spousal rape, bigamy, bisexuality, etc, etc.
You have interesting friends, I say.
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