A funny thing happened next. I had mentioned in my match.com profile that I have a book review blog, because I like to read. I haven’t done much with that blog lately – concentration seems to have fallen off my skills list – but the blog is still there and I still check the stats every so often.
It’s kind of fun to check the stats, and see the strange random search terms that drive traffic. My most regular readers seem to be my best friend, my father, and my two ex-husbands. The Departed didn’t read the blog when we were under the same roof, but suddenly, it seems to be his news source of choice*.
There are a lot of hits on my blog on this day, though. Something like fifty, or more. Someone has gone through and actually read every single post on it.
Somebody who works at Date #3’s company.
I’m impressed. He is too. We spend a lot of time discussing this. How he found it. How he used to have a blog too but it’s gone now.
You read a lot, he says.
I think, I read three times as many books as I review. Not every book needs my added commentary. What am I really going to say about The Help that hasn’t already been said?
I say, Yes, I like to read.
Reading can be a way of avoiding reality, he says.
I think, It can also be a way of avoiding reality tv. I don’t really like tv, which I notice he watches an awful lot of while he’s instant messaging and emailing.
I guess, I reply.
He sends me a link to his flickr stream. On it, there’s a picture of him in a suit. He’s cute. I like that picture, and tell him so.
He starts counting down until our date, via IM. I get regular updates, all day long.
*Probably because there’s absolutely no new information on it at the moment.